Curvy Girl Style

Staycay mode ON! ☀️

 The UK is about to experience the hottest weekend YET and you need to have...

Become a Curvy Kate Bra-Bassador!

👀 We see you, buying Curvy Kate and Scantilly lingerie - now is the chance...

Curvy Kate's newest Virtual Bra Fitter...say hello to Chloe!

Desperate to buy some new lingerie, but not certain on your bra size? Our VBF’s...

Curvy Kate's new Virtual Bra Fitter...say hey to Charlotte!

Need a bra fitting but have no time? Look no further because our girls Katie...

Curvy Kate Wrapped 2021

Curvy Kate Wrapped 2021 This year has been all about supporting the girls whether it’s...

New Years resolutions and solutions!

Got an outfit dilemma? We have a bra for that. Transforming your confidence is never...

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