
Scantilly After Hours Catwalk: Meet the Models!

Our girls came to SLAY. We did not come to play, our Scantilly After Hours...

Come Behind the Scenes on the Scantilly After Hours Catwalk!

Oh what a night! Come behind the scenes to get an inside look at the...

Black Friday Brandbassador BRA-NANZA!

It's the BrandBassador Black Friday BRA-NANZA! Do you LOVE Curvy Kate and Scantilly? Regularly post...

Curvy Kate's Best Bras for Large Busts This Christmas!

What are the best bras for big busts this Christmas?   Look no further than Curvy...

ANNOUNCEMENT ALERT! We've been shortlisted...

It's official babes! We're finalists for the Draper's Awards 2022! We are delighted to announce...

Become a Curvy Kate Bra-Bassador!

👀 We see you, buying Curvy Kate and Scantilly lingerie - now is the chance...

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