What a difference a bra fitting makes...

When we set out to the Star in a Bra auditions we were fully aware that most of the girls turning up would probably be in the wrong size. It seems like a really hard thing to get right for us women and especially in the USA, so we thought we'd use this as a little bit of a bra fitting lesson.
As you know, and you've heard us say it again and again, over 90% of women are in the incorrect bra size. There are many factors that contribute to this so we wanted to highlight some of the real-life issues that affected some of our Star in a Bra finalists before their fitting and how we rectified them. So here goes...
Daniel Leblanc
Original size: 38DD
Issue: Stretched Straps and riding back...
As you can see from these images Daniel's original bra has extremely stretched straps, the cups are very small and due to all the weight of her breasts pulling forward on the straps the back band is riding up. How we resolved this...
New Size: 34G
As you can see Daniel's bra straps are now shorter and helping to hold all of her bra in place. Her cups are larger and containing all her breast tissue and he back band is sitting lower on her back and giving her much better support.
Crystal Peralta
Original size: 40D
Issue: Too Small Cups
The issue with this bra is that Crystal's boobs are barely being contained by the cups. They are much too small and need to be covering much more of the breast tissue to give her the best and most comfortable support.
New size: 40G
As you can see now Crystal's boobs are being completely contained in the cups. We increased her cup size by 5 sizes and you can tell! The wires are sitting flat and she looks much more comfortable and supported.
Grace Doty
Original Size: 36DDD
Issue: Back band too big
Grace's back band is too large, the best way to tell this is by the fact that it is hooked on the tightest hook and is still riding up. Bras should always be worn on the loostest hook unless it has been washed and worn and needs to be tightened to regain support.
New Size: 34FF
Grace's new tighter back band means that her bra stay securely in place and allows the wires to surround her breast tissue and give her the maximum support. It also doesn't ride up meaning she's getting all the support she should from her back band.
Katie Sexton
Original Size: 36DD
Issues: Cups are 'Covering' boobs and not supporting...
Katie is making a really common mistake and opting for a bra that appears to fit due to the fact that there isn't any breast tissue spilling out but she has in fact opted for a bra that is just as ill-fitting. This style is what we like to call the 'Cover' bra, it means the bra allows your boobs to sit as they would without a bra and just covers them. Katie's boobs aren't being lifted by this bra. She needs a larger cup and tighter band for that.
New Size: 34FF
As you can see by tightening the band the bra fits more snug to the body and allows the cups to sit under the breasts and lift them up. Katie's boobs are also
So there you have it, 4 women who made 4very easy mistakes that happen when it comes to bra fitting. All of which can be easily rectified! Have you suffered with any of these issues? Do you think you need a professional bra fitting? If so then speak to our Bra Whisperer or let us know in the comments below.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and if you'd like to shop any of the styles the girls are wearing then please click the image.
Big Love xxx