#ApplaudandReward Meet the girls: Georgia and Kaleya

London based friends Georgia and Kaleya joined us on our amazing #ApplaudandReward shoot, these cuties have known each other for two years and clicked instantly and haven't looked back! 👯
Georgia is 20 years old, from London. A Writer, Performer and Creative Producer, who is currently in her 2nd year of studying a BA Hons in Performance & Creative Enterprise, at The Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Georgia is also a mental health champion for Time to Change Charity and the founder of World of Self-Care. World of Self-Care is a physical and digital platform which explores self-care, self-love and mental well-being, through practical art based workshops and events. She one day hopes to curate a Self-Care Festival.
Kaleya is a 21 year old student at Drama school, she studies Drama, Applied Theatre and Education. She wants to use theatre for social change and education. She is a writer, director and performer. These were her first impressions of Georgia and how that changed over time, "I thought she was really sweet and smiley! I didn't realise what a powerhouse of a woman she is! She's not just sweet, she's very strong and determined and works very hard. Also, I didn't know how close we would become and how important she would be in my life as a positive female friend and role model." 💕
Kaleya models out Victory Black set in a 32E cup
Georgia spoke on her body “I have always had a much ‘bigger build’ than all of my friends, and as a young child I really struggled to understand why this was. I started my period early, I developed breasts early and my hips widened. When I went through puberty I felt very depressed and I would often find myself comparing to celebrities. My body definitely contributed to my depression. My Mum struggled with accepting her body, which led her to have a stomach bypass, and she always encouraged me to not be so harsh and judgemental on myself, but it was hard when everyone around you and on T.V is very thin. However, over time, and as I grew into a young woman, I now understand it’s great to be different and I am constantly trying to love my body. It’s a daily struggle.”
Georgia looks unreal wearing Ellace Hot Pink
Kaleya spoke about her experience modelling lingerie for the day, " I now feel much more confident in my underwear! It's rare to be that close to naked and I always felt really exposed and awkward, even in a bikini! Being surrounded by so many beautiful women walking around and taking photos in our underwear was so much fun and made me realise we have nothing to be ashamed of! And I saw the beauty of female friendships and how important and special they are. The notion that women are horrible to each other might be true sometimes, but I also think it's not as common as we think! We love each other and are out here supporting each other in any way we can!"
She continued, "When I saw myself on the photographs I was surprised by how beautiful I looked! The good underwear probably helped but it was so special to see ourselves in that light. I'm so much more confident in my underwear, I'd love to be able to walk around in it all day!"
Kaleya sharing her confidence in Luxe Ivory
We wanted to know what the girls gained from the experience; this was Georgia’s response, “The whole day was amazing. I discovered so much about myself. I saw my body in such a new light. My thoughts: ‘Wow I am gorgeous! Why have I been using the word ‘fat’ to describe myself?!’ I learnt to truly respect myself and my body by feeding it positive, affirming words. I left so body-confident and ready to share myself in my stunning Curvy Kate underwear with the world! I now want to become a plus size model so I can help others with their body confident journeys.” She continued “I now see myself as a beautiful young woman with a gorgeous figure. Yes, I may have lumps, bumps, stretch marks and spots; but I love them all. Some days are harder than others, sometimes I don’t feel good, but I have to remember to look in the mirror every day and smile.”
We really hope this inspires you to continue sharing the love. Remember where
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